Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 5....

Well today was a pretty good day.  Went to work for a full day and got to eat lunch with my wife.  Got to talk to more people about what is going on in my life.  Wasn't nervous like I was last night telling the band at Church.  Not sure why I got so nervous telling them last night.  I had 3 of the "episodes" today so I started taking the anti-seizure medication that the doctor prescribed to me.  He said that he believes that those episodes are actually seizures.  So it is not looking good for riding the motorcycle this year.  I will see how I do on the medicine and if it actually works.  It had been since Friday that I had the last "episode". 
Last night was very touching.  I got messages and emails from tons of people but one was very special to me.  My youngest son Grant sent me an email before he went to bed and it said 4 simple but powerful words "i love you daddy"  He is so special.  Well tomorrow is another appointment, this time at a specialist at Wake Forest. Please pray that this doctor will be prepared by  God and will be guided to an answer to remove this tumor.
** Just got a call from a Doctor at Duke that was through another movement of God.  Through a very kind gentleman that I have never met I received a contact for a highly regarded doctor at Duke.  He had already been told my story and he told me the things he needs to get things rolling at Duke as well.  God is Awesome!***
Now to spend some more time with my wife.


  1. I am praying for you and your family, Greg. You are so right, our God is an awesome God!

  2. Greg,

    My family and I will be praying for healing. Looks like you have the glorifying God thing already accomplished!

    Aaron A (from IMMI)
