Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 4

Well today has been another great day.  but before I get to that I just want to share some things that I didn't share about the weekend.  On Saturday we went to some friends of ours to tell them in person the news.  The next morning Vickie and Demus went to our old church that we met them at and is where we were married.  Well Vickie went to Sunday school the next morning and shared with her class.  After class, a friend of hers that cannot be there often since she is a nurse, talked to Vickie and told her she would like to help.  She said that she knew a Neurosurgeon that was on call on Sunday and could look at my MRI  on Sunday and see what he thinks.  Well Vickie called  me Sunday afternoon and gave me her phone number...which I didn't call that day.  The next morning I went to work to start letting everyone know there and also asked Kara to call the Nurse Misty and talk with her.  Well they talked a couple of times back and forth.  Next thing I know I got a message on my cell phone and she had called to tell me at 9:50 that if I could be at the Doctors office on N Church St. in Greensboro, at 10:30 he could see me.  So I hopped in the car in High Point and took off.  Kara made it there shortly before me and started checking in for me.  The ladies at the counter were puzzled at where I had come from since Friday I was not on the books.  So once all the paperwork was done, I was seen by the doctor.  He started off by saying that he had reviewed my MRI on Sunday for several hours.  So while he was reviewing them on Sunday, I didn't even know of him or that I would even be seeing him...God worked so quick just to get the ball rolling and get me seen by a Doctor on Monday after just finding this out on Friday.  And this was just one of the Amazing things He did on Monday.  Again I am just an average Joe going through an Amazing experience that God planned long before I was even born.  I will share more stories like this as I can.  Going to snuggle with the wife now.  Please, please pray for me and tell your friends...tell them to pray for me too and tell their friends.


  1. This is going to be an amazing journey. God can move this mountain. Give Him the glory! You can do this!!

    I asked all my table leaders at our ladies Bible study to put you and your family on their prayer list. So, you have 50+ prayer warrior women praying too!

  2. Our God is so much bigger than this. He is faithful and He will do something only he can take credit for! I will be praying for comfort and contentment and total healing.

  3. Greg, I don't know you but we share the same Father, so we are family! I will be following your journey and lifting you and your family in prayer! Our family has just come through a journey of our own with our 23 year old son, Kenny. In fact, tomorrow, Wednesday, he has another PET scan to confirm what we know...that all the cancer is gone!

    Walking with you,

    Judy Davis
    Vinton, VA

  4. Dear Greg,

    For whatever comfort it may offer, my ex-husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2002. He had brain surgery in 2003. While the road to recovery was long and bumpy and often filled with set backs, we made it! He is alive and well and doing great! I will keep you and your family in my thoughts. If you or your wife ever need a sympathetic ear from someone who has been on a similar path, please call. 767-319-0826. Much love to all, Jade

  5. So many prayers with you , Greg , Kara & the boys. May God give you the peace & strength that only HE can. It is a promise in Psalms 29:11 He will give it to you! Please let David or I know of anything we can help you with. Love The Gregg's

  6. Hey Greg,

    Have you consulted with anyone from Duke?

